The Australian runs a smear campaign against Tuvalu negotiator

Climate chaos0

Hi all,

The Australian today runs a front page smear story on the amazing Tuvalu
negotiator Ian Fry. His home has been staked out by them, his wife and
neighbour intimidated.

Ian has been a tireless worker for TuvaluĀ  11 years. Working endless to
help the small state push for better global action on climate change.

Letters to the editor needed ASAP –

A sentence or two will do!

We stand with the islands, we stand with the vulnerable. We abhor those
who use their power to intimidate and threaten the vulnerable for their
own short-term gain. The Australian is doing it to Ian Fry, but Rudd is
doing it to all the island leaders over in Copenhagen.

It’s disgusting and they need to know that.

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