The Changing Party Composition of the Senate


October 03, 2013

The Changing Party Composition of the Senate

The two tables below summarise the party composition of the old and new Senate, and also show the change in Senate representation for each state. Results are pending a declaration of the result in Western Australia, the declaration having been delayed by a re-count request.

Changing Party Composition of the Senate
Continuing 2013 Election Senate Composition
Party Senators Until 30 June Post 1 July Current New Change
Coalition 16 18 17 34 33 -1
Labor Party 13 18 13 31 26 -5
Greens 6 3 3 9 9 ..
Nick Xenophon .. 1 1 1 1 ..
Democratic Labour Party 1 .. .. 1 1 ..
Palmer United Party .. .. 3 .. 3 +3
Family First .. .. 1 .. 1 +1
Liberal Democratic Party .. .. 1 .. 1 +1
Motoring Enthusisats Party .. .. 1 .. 1 +1

The table below summarises the changing composition of Senators from each state and territory.

Changes in Senate Membership by State/Territory
NSW Labor Senators Bob Carr and Doug Cameron re-elected, third Senator Ursula Stephens defeated
Coalition Senators Marise Payne (Liberal), John Williams (National) and Arthur Sinodinos (Liberal) re-elected
David Leyonhjelm (Liberal Democratic Party) elected
Net change Liberal Democrats gain one seat from Labor on 1 July 2014
VIC Labor Senators Gavin Marshall and Jacinta Collins re-elected, third Senator Mehmet Tillem defeated. Tillem was elected by the Parliament of Victoria on 21 August to replace David Feeney who resigned to successfully contest Batman at the House of Representatives election. Tillem has yet to be sworn in, but will take his seat at the first sitting despite his defeat and hold it until 30 June 2014.
Liberal Senators Mitch Fifield and Scott Ryan re-elected. third Liberal candidate Helen Kroger defeated
Janet Rice (Green) elected
Ricky Muir (Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party) elected
Net Change Greens gain a seat from Labor and Australian Motoring Enthusiasts gain a seat from the Liberal Party on 1 July 2014.
QLD Labor Senator Claire Moore re-elected, John Hogg did not contest election, Mark Furner defeated and new Senator Chris Ketter elected
LNP Senator Ian Macdonald re-elected, Ron Boswell and Sue Boyce did not contest election, while James McGrath and Matthew Canavan are newly elected
Glenn Lazarus elected for Palmer United Party
Net Change Palmer United Party gain a seat from Labor on 1 July 2014.
WA Liberal Senators Michaelia Cash and David Johnston were re-elected, Alan Aggleston did not contest election and Linda Reynolds was elected in his place
Labor Senator Louise Pratt re-elected, Mark Bishop did not contest election and Joe Bullock was elected in his place
Green Senator Scott Ludlam defeated
Zenhya Wang (Palmer United Party) elected
Net Change Palmer United Party gain a seat from the Greens on 1 July 2014
SA Labor Senator Penny Wong re-elected, Don Farrell defeated
Liberal Senators Cory Bernardi and Simon Birmingham re-elected
Independent Senator Nick Xenophon re-elected
Green Senator Sarah Hanson-Young re-elected
Bob Day (Family First) elected
Net Change Family First gain a Senator from Labor on 1 July 2014
TAS Labor Senators Catryna Bilyk and Carol Brown re-elected, third Senator Lin Thorp defeated
Liberal Senators David Bushby and Rickard Colbeck re-elected
Green Senator Peter Whish-Wilson re-elected
Jacqui Lambie (Palmer United Party) elected
Net Change Palmer United Party gain a seat from Labor
ACT Labor Senator Kate Lundy re-elected
Liberal Senator Gary Humphries was defeated for party pre-selection and Zed Seselja has been elected as the new Liberal Senator.
Net Change nil. Territory Senators do not have fixed terms, instead taking their seats at the first sitting of the new Parliament.
NT Labor Senator Trish Crossin did not contest the election after being replaced as Labor candidate. Nova Peris is the newly elected Labor Senator.
Country Liberal Senator Nigel Scullion was re-elected
Net Change nil. Territory Senators do not have fixed terms, instead taking their seats at the first sitting of the new Parliament.

Posted by on October 03, 2013 at 11:34 AM | Permalink


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