The Cold Fusion Energy: History, Theory, And Technology.

The cold fusion energy is a nuclear fusion process used to explain a set of experimental results. These experimental results were first reported by two electro chemists. The two electro chemists were Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons. These two electro chemists were the ones to first report the nuclear fusion process, also known as the cold fusion energy. At the time of these reports, Martin Fleischmann was one of the world’s leading and best know chemists. They came up with these reports back in 1989 where they first reported excess heat production that exceeded any explanations so far. So, in reality, Martin and Stanley were the fathers of cold fusion energy. But, by late 1989, most scientists thought of cold fusion claims as far gone. Other scientists had experimented on the same details that Martin and Stanley did, but came up with slightly different results and theirs were more negative in detail. Sergio Focardi used to be the research partner to Andrea Rossi before he retired recently. Sergio and Andrea held a conference on July 23rd, 2011, titled “is cold fusion a reality”. Francesco Piantelli ‘s research on the lenr and cold fusion also helped in the conference presentation. The Ampenergo American company has partnered with Andrea Rossi to sell his energy catalyzer technology.
When Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons did the experiments back in 1989, they reached a magnitude of heat production that excelled any terms of nuclear processes so far. After the initial experiments, they reported even smaller amounts of nuclear reaction by products, two in particular. Those two nuclear reactions were neutrons and tritium. The final and most important part of the experiment that changed cold fusion energy for the future was involving electrolysis of a heavy water substance on the surface of a palladium electrode. The whole experiment was a difficult journey, but those two electro chemists are going to be in the science history books for future generations. The media reported, soon after the electro chemists final experiments and facts were given to the public, that the nuclear fision was happening inside of the cells. These details provided hope for an abundant and cheap form of energy for the general public.
The area of cold fusion and a new energy is rapidly coming out to the public as one of the most eco friendly forms of beneficial technologies. Scientists say it will probably begin in the near future and change the world as we know it for the better. A most recent advancement in this area are the prototypes units that use water as fuel. These prototype units are ranging from kilowatts to thermal energy outputs. These prototype units of cold fusion are tapping into the zero point energy theory. The zero point energy theory is an energy source in the fabric of space-time. This little known theory does not violate the conversation of energy, so it is perfectly legal for the scientists to experiment on them. This is real technology and real science. The defkalion green technology company will be producing units of the e-cat invention to sell to the general public. The individual units have from five to thirty kilowatts of green energy that will help consumers and businesses worldwide on power bills.
Andrea Rossi E-Cat Invention.
Andrea Rossi is a professor at one of the oldest universities in the world. He has recently announced to the public that his team and himself has come up with a new device to be able to create more than ten kilowatts of heat power and only using a small fraction of that. On January 14th, 2011, Andrea Rossi gave the first demonstration to the public of nickel hydrogen fusion . The nickel hydrogen fusion produces certain amounts of thermal energy. The difference between Andrea Rossi experiments and Walter and Stanley’s, is that Andrea Rossi does not refer to his tests as cold fusion . He refers to his as a catalyzer process. The university claims to be doing recent production on the e-cat and are shipping their first orders out in the upcoming months. Andrea Rossi says that mass production should take place in two to three years. His prototype units can easily be turned on from a simple switch on the side and the machine reads the machine input itself, monitoring it for the consumer’s needs. His hope is to eventually out do any oil resources and just use the e-cat invention. The technical name for the e-cat invention is the cold fusion generator.
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