The Gruen ad amended

Hi there,

My name is Jenny Rose. I’m a mum of two grown up daughters, a retired teacher and a keen gardener. I started volunteering with the Greens several elections ago, because I was disgusted with the Howard Government’s lack of action on climate change.

Over the years I’ve watched the Greens support continue to grow and I’ve learned something that’s kept me coming back to the polling booths, election after election: a major reason the Greens historically don’t do as well as pre-election polls predict is because too often, we’re out-numbered at the polling booths. So this election, I’m asking for your help to change that.

Sign up to volunteer at your local polling booth, or at another strategic location, on Saturday 21 August – even if it’s just for an hour or two.

For an undecided voter, no amount of leaflets in letterboxes make up for the lack of a real person to speak to as they walk in to vote. The Greens have monitored results at booths with and without a large volunteer presence, and we know beyond doubt that having people on the ground speaking to voters makes a real difference.

When I first helped out on polling day, I was surprised at how easy and enjoyable it turned out to be. I soon realised I was having a lot of fun asking people, “would you consider voting Green?” and handing out how to vote cards. The day flew by – and before I knew it, I was at the election night party for all the local Greens’ volunteers.

Best of all – it’s something anyone can do. You don’t need huge amounts of time, money or experience to take part in the process and make a tangible difference to your community this election.  

Come along on August 21: you’ll be glad you did.

It’s the only way a few hours of your time next Saturday will make a difference to Australia for the next three years and beyond.


Jenny Rose

P.S. I didn’t just make this up. The Greens’ national office shared this analysis from polling company Roy Morgan yesterday revealing that the “biggest barrier” the Greens have this election is finding enough volunteers for polling booths. Roy Morgan said: “In previous elections…the Morgan Poll has overstated the Greens vote achieved on election day – a major reason for this is because the Greens have not been able to be…handing out ‘how-to-vote Greens’ cards at all polling places. Overcoming this problem remains the Greens’ biggest barrier to winning the seven Senate seats expected at this half-Senate election.” You can see the article here and sign up to volunteer on August 21 here.

P.P.S Did you catch the ad everyone’s talking about on Gruen Nation last night? If you missed it, click here to see it!


Please Donate Now!


* Donations over $2 and up to $1500 per annum are tax deductible.

Authorised by Derek Schild, 8-10 Hobart Place. Canberra


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