The John James Newsletter 23

31 October 2014. 

Ebola Is Now ‘Aerostable’ And Can Remain On Surfaces For 50 Days

The information was contained in a 33-page report released Oct. 24 by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. It states “preliminary studies indicate that Ebola is aerostable in an enclosed controlled system in the dark and can survive for long periods in different liquid media and can also be recovered from plastic and glass surfaces at low temperatures for over 3 weeks.”


If Ebola batters US, we are not ready 

To assess America’s ability to deal with a major outbreak, the AP examined readiness in training, manpower, funding, emergency room shortcomings, supplies, infection control and protection for health care workers. The results were worrisome. Supplies, training and funds are all limited. And there are concerns that health care workers may refuse to treat Ebola victims.

CIA Mouthpiece Lets Slip On Russian ‘Aggression’

Since the beginning of its observer mission at the end of July, the CIA has not recorded any movement of military equipment or units from Russia into Ukrainian territory.

15 Signs That We Live During A Time Of Rampant Government Paranoia

The US has become the nation of the “permanent emergency”.  There has been at least one “state of emergency” in effect in this country since 1979. Almost everyone is considered to be a criminal.  Nearly one out of every three Americans has a file in the FBI’s master criminal database.

Another record year for big solar – but where is Australia?

Figures released on Tuesday, along show that at the end of September the US was leading the big solar stakes with 407 utility-scale plants, amounting to a total installed capacity of 7.08GW. China comes in a close second with 245 plants, totalling 6.5GW; followed by Germany, with 281 plants and 3.46GW total installed utility-scale capacity.

Economic Collapse? How Will The Stock Market React To The End Of Quantitative Easing?

This market binge has been solely fueled by reckless money printing by the Federal Reserve.  It is not backed up by economic fundamentals in any way, shape or form. And now that quantitative easing is ending, many are wondering if the party is over.

Nearly 25 million food insecure in Sahel

The dramatic rise in insecurity over the last year has forced a tremendous number of people to seek fed, housing and health care. There’s a big difference between negative coping mechanisms that would include taking out a loan that must be repaid from profits from the following year’s harvest, eating seeds that should be saved for next year’s planting, and reducing the number of daily meals from three down to two, or even one. “It becomes a very slippery slide very quickly”.

Resolving Key Nuclear Issue Turns on Iran-Russia Deal

The key to the new approach is Iran’s willingness to send both its existing stockpile of low enriched uranium (LEU) as well as newly enriched uranium to Russia for conversion into fuel for power plants for an agreed period of years.

The Stark Facts of Global Greed, a Disease as Challenging as Climate Change

A stunning 95 percent of the world’s population lost a share of its wealth over the past three years. Almost all of the gain went to the world’s richest 1%. The gains seem almost incomprehensible. The world’s wealth grew from $224 trillion to $263 trillion in three years. The world’s richest 1%, who owned a little under $100 trillion in 2011, now own almost $127 trillion. For every four dollars they possessed just three years ago, they now have five. From New York to Kenya and Indonesia, the rich are pushing people out of the way to acquire land and build luxury homes. The “winner-take-all” attitude is breaking down society everywhere.

Bogotá: Improving Civic Behavior 

A unique and surprising story of two mayors, Antanas Mockus and Enrique Peñalosa, who have changed behaviour patterns in the Colombian capital, bringing Bogotá out of a negative spiral of violence and chaos and remaking it as something of a visionary role model for other megacities.

French clash with Islamists in Mali

France’s intervention in Mali was designed to retake control of northern towns that had been overrun by separatists and rebels linked to al Qaeda in 2012 after a coup in the capital Bamako. It has since evolved into a 3,000-strong counter-terrorism mission stretching from Mauritania to southern Libya.

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