The Pope said what?! AVAAZ

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The Pope said what?!


Emily Mulligan – Avaaz Unsubscribe

11:58 AM (8 minutes ago)

to me

Dear friends,

Pope Francis just made history. He’s taken the climate debate to a new level — more than an environmental issue, he’s declared a clear moral imperative to protect our planet, and it’s front page news.

Our Prime Minister has made dozens of excuses not to act on climate change, but a call from the head of his own church could be the tipping point. And it can’t come soon enough — Abbott’s deciding Australia’s climate targets right now!

Let’s help our PM ‘see the light’ on climate. If we flood the PM’s office with calls while the encyclical is in the headlines, we can amplify Pope Francis’ message and get Abbott to commit to targets worthy of the Pope’s call.

Phone the PM’s office now:

(02) 6277 7700

Here are some talking points to help with your call. Don’t forget to let the PM’s office know if you’re Catholic!

  1. I read about the Pope’s encyclical on climate change and I think he’s got it right. I hope Mr Abbott will listen to Pope Francis’ call for bold climate action in Australia.
  2. I understand that Cabinet is considering Australia’s climate targets right now. This is a great place for Mr Abbott to show he’s heard the Pope by putting us on track to a pollution free future by 2050.
  3. It’s not too late for Australia to lead on climate action. Our nation has huge potential to benefit from a clean energy future, and we can play a powerful and constructive role in global negotiations if we commit to doing so.

Remember to be polite and succinct — the PM’s staff will take a note of your message and pass on your comments.

Tell us how the call went:

The Pope’s encyclical is a demonstration of faith, love and hope for a brighter future in which we all act to protect our climate. There’s still a chance for Australia to show the leadership we’re capable of and present strong targets at the Paris summit this year.

Make a call to ensure the messages from the Pope’s encyclical reach the politicians that are deciding our climate targets right now:

(02) 6277 7700

Our movement is a source of determination and inspiration in the fight against climate change. We’re always looking for key moments to shift the dial towards a pollution free future in Australia and around the world. This is a moment — let’s seize it together.

With hope,

Emily, Oli, Nic, Iain, David, Mais and the whole Avaaz team

Pope Francis calls for action ‘here and now’ to tackle climate change and halt ‘unprecedented destruction’ of ecosystems (ABC)

Pope Francis, in Sweeping Encyclical, Calls for Swift Action on Climate Change (New York Times) is a 41-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people shape global decision-making. (“Avaaz” means “voice” or “song” in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz’s biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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