There is no substitute for carbon price action now -Greens

Climate chaos0

10 July 2010
There is no substitute for carbon price action now – Greens

The Australian Greens want action now on a carbon price set by
legislation as critical for climate change action Australian Greens
Leader Bob Brown said in Canberra today.

“Energy efficiency, renewable energy measures and saving forests – as
already put to Parliament by the Greens – are needed but are not
substitutes for a carbon price,” said Senator Brown.

“There is an estimated $50 billion investment in electricity production
awaiting a carbon price signal.

“We are ready to set this signal with either a Gillard or Abbott
Government after the election.

“However the Gillard delay until 2012 and worse still, the Abbott delay
until 2015, before putting the price mechanism to Parliament is not on.

“It leaves business uncertain.

“It leaves the Australian electorate fearful of failure on climate

“The Greens’ option of the Garnaut-style carbon tax set up to facilitate
a future carbon trading scheme is now the live option around which
political debate will take place,” Senator Brown said.

Media contact: Erin Farley 0438 376 082

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