Time slams Pacific Solution

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In a recent edition of Time Magazine, the writer wasted no time in pointing out that it is responsible for around ten percent of the expected budget defecit. In a week which Australia excised itself from its own immigration zone, the absurdities mount at a pace reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland.

When Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan delivered the national budget yesterday,he blamed the nation’s $17.8 billion deficit on the stubbornly high Australian dollar, softening company-tax revenue anda slowdown of the China-driven mining sector. But an estimated $2 billion to $3 billion of that deficit (the true figure won’t be known until September) comes from the blowout of the government’s controversial border-protection budget. And for that there’s nothing and nobody to blame but the ruinously expensive policy known in Australia as the “Pacific Solution.”

Read the full article at Time World

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