Toot joins Nats in call for inland rail


See Barnaby Joyce’s view

Study for Inland Rail Corridor to Proceed – Next Step, Putting the Casino-Murwillumbah Line Back on Canberra’s Map

The Federal Government has announced that it will now fund the study for an inland rail corridor between Melbourne and Brisbane.

If this project were to proceed, it would have the potential to significantly reduce the growth in trucks carrying freight through our region as well as reduce the need to create new B-double corridors through our communities

TOOT welcomes the decision to proceed to the next stage in the development of the proposed rail corridor, however further effort is required to address the rail needs within the commuter and tourist markets, especially in high growth corridors on the fringes of major urban areas such as South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales.

We hope the omission of the Casino-Murwillumbah line on the rail map included with the government’s press release is a reflection of the planning under the previous government and not an indication of their approach to addressing the urgent unmet travel needs within our region.
For an actual map of the NSW rail network see:

Operational lines are coloured green, disused lines red.


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