The Pentagon is preparing US police and armed forces for a brutal and anarchic future in which the apparatus of the state is in locked in constant battle with the people.
This is the premise of a 2014 video made by the US Army called Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity currently being shown at the Pentagon Joint Special Operations University.
The five minute movie encourages various armed forces to prepare sophisticated military responses against hundreds of thousands of disposessed citizens.
Author Mike Davis describes the movie is a military fantasy. “It’s absurd to think that special ops can be used to control a mega-city,” he told web publisher, The Intercept.
Pentagon Video Warns of “Unavoidable” Dystopian Future for World’s Biggest Cities
According to a startling Pentagon video the future of global cities will be brutal and anarchic supercities filled with gangs of youth-gone-wild, a restive underclass, criminal syndicates, and bands of malicious hackers. That’s the scenario outlined in “Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity,” a five-minute video that has been used at the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations University.
and the video