US states that plan greenhouse gas reductions are well placed for the future


Impact fairly minimal: “Any impact on consumers would be fairly
minimal and could eventually be offset by a focus on conservation and
renewable sources of energy,” said Dennis Schain, a spokesman for
Connecticut’s Department of Environmental Protection.

Business groups predict higher costs: However, business groups
such as the New England Council and the American Council for Capital
Formation said it would boost costs much more.

Possible delays to plans: Even if an announcement on the RGGI
came soon, several states still have to push the plan through their
legislatures, which could lead to delays.

Similar plans in western states: Environmentalists and carbon
emissions brokers were anxious to see RGGI operate because they hoped
it would link with similar plans being developed in western states and
could be a model for a future federal plan.

Utilities divides: Utilities such as Public Service Enterprise
Group and KeySpan Corp. support RGGI, while Dominion Resources Inc. and
NRG Energy oppose t it.

Competitive advantage: “Some companies believe that global
warming is not going away and believe they can get competitive
advantage by getting prepared (for a future national plan) through
RGGI,” said Dale Bryk, an attorney at the Natural Resources Defense
Council, who is advising the states,

Benefit for utilities with nuclear power: Companies that have
nuclear power in their electricity portfolio could benefit from the
plan as their plants emitted very little CO2. But officials say RGGI
was unlikely to spur the building of new nuclear plants as the cuts it
would require were too modest.

Reference: Digest of latest news reported on website of Climate
Change Secretariat of United Nations Framework on Climate Change
Control (UNFCCC). 20 December. Address: PO Box 260 124, D-53153 Bonn.
Germany. Phone: : (49-228) 815-1005, Fax: (49-228) 815-1999. Email:

Erisk Net, 29/12/2005

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