The Loft has done something right – all the business associations that meet there means that Westender is bounding up those angled stairs more often than walking past.
This Tue evening Mar 11th takes its turn, kicking off 2014 with a big agenda and big plans to drive more business through your door.
Among other things the Association will discuss:
- Vacant executive positions
- Marketing opportunities for association members
- ISaveLocal mobile based loyalty program
- Newseltter and communication with members.
The mobile based, iSaveLocal will build on the Local Shop program already in place and will spearhead some of the tools of the Be a Localist Movement.
Following some challenging moments with the election of office bearers last year, the resignation of some office bearers this year and the involvement by a number of office bearers and executive members in the Griffith by-election in one capacity or another, the year has got off to a slow start.
The eminently capable Paul Hey has steered the association into the Loft for the first meeting of the year, so if you’re keen to see your local business association work in your interests, get along and make a difference.
2 thoughts on “West End Traders moves to the Loft”
Kellie Prescott
4 March, 2014
Just letting you know that the WETA meeting at Loft is on Tuesday 11th March not the 9th March.
Kerrod Trott
4 March, 2014
Yup, Kellie, we have changed the article on the website and will be send out a correction enews in the next day or so. Cheers, Kerrod.