Not sure what that is? No problem!
In a nutshell, the project is reaching out to people just like you, a community member of West End, and surrounding suburbs to understand how our much loved house fits into the grand scheme of things in the future.
We want to know what are the present needs and opportunities , we want to know what it is you think we do here, and we definitely want to know how we could do a better job of it. We also want to know what you can contribute to our community. Essentially, we need your help in understanding how we can better serve the community.
So how exactly can you help? Its easy, we just need you to spend 5 minutes of your time to answer a survey; either in person or via the internet.
If time is a constraint and 5 minutes is all you can spare, then don’t worry! We’ve put together a small survey up on the internet that would help us dearly if answered. Just follow the link below:
In Person:
Not too far from now, folks from our house will be either door knocking around west end and asking for you to spare 5 minutes to answer the survey, or appearing at the West End Twilight Markets. This will be a good chance for you to answer in anyway you want and to ask them more about the project.
Call Into The House Or Over The Phone:
If you find you really have something to say, and a quick survey just isn’t enough, then we’d love to hear from you. You can either get us on the phone or drop in anytime to have a chat. So, would you like to get onto us about the project? These are our details:
Address: 4 Norfolk Road, South Brisbane, Qld, 4101
Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm Phone: (07) 3217 2333