When a Rugby icon, Farmer and Philosopher walk onto a Coal Mine… 350org

30 November, 2014 General news0
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When a Rugby icon, Farmer and Philosopher walk onto a Coal Mine…


Josh Creaser – 350.org Australia josh.creaser@350.org.au via list.350.org 

9:00 AM (27 minutes ago)

to me

Dear friend,

No, this isn’t the beginning of a cheesy joke – it’s the start of a truly inspiring story.

Right now I’m with Former Wallabies Captain and Canberra Brumbies player David Pocock, fifth generation farmer Rick Laird, ANU Philosophy lecturer Bruin Christensen, and six fellow Canberrans, taking powerful peaceful action at the Leard Blockade. Together, we have shut down one of Whitehaven Coal’s super diggers and sent a clear message:

We, Canberrans stand in solidarity with the Maules Creek community in the fight against Whitehaven Coal’s damaging coal expansion plans.

We have taken this action to call out the ACT Government and its continued investment in Whitehaven Coal and another 70 of the worst fossil fuel companies on the planet. It’s simply not right for a Government that professes to champion climate leadership to also invest in dangerous coal companies.

The ACT Government has a decision to make – divest from fossil fuel companies like Whitehaven or prepare to see more community action like today’s.

You can add you voice by signing our petition for a Fossil Free ACT today.

And then click on the images below to LIKE and SHARE them on Facebook:


To be honest, none of us wanted to spend our Sunday doing this. We’d rather be at home with family and friends. But when companies purely motivated by profit can trash endangered forest, ruin cultural sites and further risk the climate, you can’t sit idly by. You have to do something.

You can do something by signing this petition for a Fossil Free ACT and sharing this story on Facebook. Together let’s send Whitehaven and the ACT Government a powerful message!

Warm wishes,

Josh for 350 Canberra and 350 Australia

P.S. Click here to tell ACT Treasure Andrew Barr to divest from Whitehaven today!

350.org is building a global climate movement.You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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