Project information includes:
– project location;
– resource type (e.g., wind, geothermal, etc.);
– nameplate capacity;
– project participants (e.g., developer/owner);
– project status (i.e., online, pending, or cancelled);
– online date (if applicable); and
– power purchase agreement (PPA) counterparty (if applicable).
Incentive information includes:
– supporting clean energy fund;
– incentive type (e.g., grant vs production incentive vs loan);
– original and revised incentive amount;
– date of incentive award;
– solicitation name (if any); and
– treatment of the project’s tradable renewable certificates (TRCs – i.e., whether the fund places any restrictions on the sale of TRCs from the project).
Broad comparisons: In addition to reporting the incentive as it is actually structured, the report also normalises all incentives to their equivalent 5-year production incentive value in order to facilitate broad comparisons across projects, technologies, and clean energy funds.
Reference: Mark Bolinger, Ryan Wiser; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; The Impact of State Clean Energy Fund – Support for Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects.