2014: best, worst and funniest ACF

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2014: best, worst and funniest


Kelly O’Shanassy, ACF Unsubscribe

7:01 PM (20 minutes ago)

to me


I deeply appreciate you being part of ACF in 2014. Thank you.
As a big believer in celebrating the wins, standing strong after the losses and keeping a sense of humour at all times, we’ve pulled together the highs, the lows and the hilarities of 2014. Enjoy!

The Best

Tasmanian World Heritage forests safe – When the federal government asked the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to tear up the listing for 74,000 ha of Tasmanian wilderness – you signed, called, faxed, delivered trees, rallied and donated. It took just seven minutes for the committee to throw out the government’s proposal. It made me dance among the trees!

Radioactive waste dump dumped For seven years, the Muckaty mob fought a radioactive waste dump on their land. In June, the federal government formally withdrew its plan. They were the sixth remote community targeted and pressured by federal governments to be a dumping ground. They’re the sixth to say no.
Environment laws protected – Pushing the big business agenda – to mine, dredge, and frack with no one watching – the government tried to water down the laws that protect the places we love. Against the odds, you and community leaders from all over Australia held them at bay, persuading crossbench Senators we need strong protections. There’s a long road ahead. Your support can help the push for a new generation of environment laws.
Stolen country returned – “There’s a time to cry, there’s a time to laugh – now is the time to dance.” Olkola elder, Mike Ross, did exactly that last week when, after a century locked out, his people’s country on Cape York was returned to them. It’s an incredible story.
The road ahead – I’m so excited to forge ACF’s new path with you and our President Geoff Cousins. If you missed our AGM, you can watch Geoff reveal how far he is prepared to go to make change. In my speech I talk about two of my favourite things: trees and people power.
Sparking community change – ACF and the YMCA have doubled Spark’s reach. Kinder teachers, fitness instructors and chefs at YMCA centres saving energy and going solar. As part of the Climate Reality Project, we trained 415 new leaders. And we know many of you are taking action at home and in your communities. Your efforts matter.

The Worst

Where do I start?
Polluters no longer pay – The government scrapped the law that made polluters pay for their carbon pollution. It was working. Pollution was going down. Now it’s going back up. This is what happened after you signed the petition. We lost that one……for now!
Clean energy assaulted – In another inexplicable move, the government attacked the Renewable Energy Target with a hand-picked panel of climate denialists and former oil and gas executives, but you fought back with letters, phone calls, rallies, posters and by pressuring the ‘dirty three’ power companies. The RET is still alive.
Nature not nurtured –  The Tasmanian government scrapped the Tasmanian Forest Agreement, the historic ‘peace deal’ between conservationists and the timber industry.
The federal government approved the biggest coal mine in the world, dredging the reef, and opening a giant coal port.
All this when we know nature is in trouble. A landmark survey of Australia’s environment by the Places You Love Alliance shows that we need to restore our rivers, climate, forests, soils, oceans and reefs, not make them worse — or we could lose them forever.
Money madness – The federal government is handing out $47 billion in fossil fuel subsidies that promote pollution and only $1 billion to the Direct Action Plan to reduce pollution.

The Funniest

Good for humanity? – The Prime Minister, taking his cues from big coal, declared that “coal is good for humanity”. (Well it would be be funny if it weren’t so sad).
It reminded me of the hilarious failed attempt the coal industry made to run a social media campaign called #Australiansforcoal. Hmmm, turns out Aussies prefer clean energy.
G20 surprise – Our climate change campaign manager Victoria McKenzie-McHarg went above the call of duty with her crazy call to put climate change on the agenda of the G20. We can’t believe she did it in one take. And despite Mr Abbott’s best efforts, the G20 turned into a show of force for action to tackle climate change.
The Emperor’s new clothes – Saffron, from our Canberra office, fielded some tricky questions from her six year old this year about her work in Parliament House. My favourites:
  • If people who don’t want to destroy the world become leaders one day, will you have to get a different job?
  • Is government just for boys?
  • Why don’t you have shoes that are pretty AND comfy?
Meme me please – If you need more of a laugh, join ACF’s Facebook. You’ll find plenty of chuckles there. After all, how much can a koala bear?*
Thank you so much for your continued financial support, interest and environmental action. With you on our team, 2015 could be the biggest year in ACFs history (and it’s our 50th!).
Enjoy the great outdoors and the holiday season,
Kelly O’Shanassy
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Conservation Foundation
PS. You keep ACF fearless and independent – We are 94% funded by you, our members and supporters, and I’m so grateful for your support and to those who have remembered ACF in their wills. Our campaign for stronger, not weaker, environmental laws is at a crucial stage. Your contribution can make a difference

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