As if Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull’s cuts to the ABC and SBS aren’t bad enough.
The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday reported that Malcolm Turnbull wants to scrap the independent nominations process for the ABC Board so he can appoint anyone he likes.
In practice the Government has already thrown out the convention of an independent nominations panel for board appointments — last year they stacked the panel with former Liberal Party Deputy Leader Neil Brown and conservative commentator Janet Albrechtsen.
Now it has been revealed even the illusion of independence is going to be scrapped.
This is further evidence of the contempt this Government has for the ABC and SBS.
Last year the Government ripped more than half a billion dollars out of the ABC and SBS budgets. Just yesterday Mark Scott confirmed that has meant 241 jobs lost so far and another 330 to go.
I believe in strong, independent public broadcasters. Can you share this petition with your friends and family so they can speak up for the ABC too?
I hope you’ll stand with me to stand up for our ABC.
Jason Clare
Shadow Minister for Communications |