4 more tubes fail in tests at US nuke plant

Energy Matters0
News 8 new results for DANGER TO US NUCLEAR PLANTS
Heavy Tube Wear a Mystery at Calif Nuke Reactor
ABC News
Forty-five days after a radioactive water leak prompted a Southern California utility to shut down a nuclear reactor, investigators Friday sought to pinpoint why tubing in the plant eroded at an alarming rate while the prospect of an extended repair
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Regulator to update environmental study on reactor near NYC
By Scott DiSavino (Reuters) – Nuclear regulators plan to issue a new environmental report for Entergy Corp’s Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York to update potential impacts on aquatic life in the Hudson River. In a statement, the US Nuclear
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4 more tubes fail in tests at US nuke plant
WJAC Johnstown
By MICHAEL R. BLOOD AP Four more tubes that carry radioactive water at a California nuclear power plant failed pressure tests, prompting new safety concerns, officials disclosed Friday. The four tubes in a massive steam generator failed Thursday in the
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Nuclear agenda after 3/11
The Japan Times
By RAMESH THAKUR CANBERRA — A year after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011, all but two of the country’s 54 nuclear reactors are shut down. The Japanese people remain confused, apprehensive and distrustful of
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UCLA community unites to remember those lost from the earthquake and tsunami
UCLA Asia Institute
“Japan is the world leader in disaster risk reduction, and it could have been a lot worse,” she said. After the earthquake and tsunami, several nuclear reactors in Japan automatically shut down. Soon after, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in
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UCLA Asia Institute
The Most Fascistic Industry
Local communities reject these ticking time bombs, reactors designed for several decades use, which are then re-licensed to operate for several more decades beyond their specifications. The motivation for this re-licensing is clearly monetary and not
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Revisiting the Regulation of Radiation in Food After Fukushima
She analyzes how the FDA currently protects the public from radiation contaminated food in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster… The word “radiation” is typically associated with danger to people’s health and lives.
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The “I-Word”
CNN (blog)
These terrorist attacks by Islamic Jihad for example, underscore the magnitude of the danger that would be created if – heaven forbid – a nuclear Iran would stand behind them. The world must be united in the face of the Iranian threat,” he said.
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