Lake council opposes Dora Creek plan on sea-level rise, flood risks

NOT SUPPORTED: The proposed Dora Creek development. Picture: Mason Architects
LAKE Macquarie City Council staff are opposing another development because of sea level rise and flood risk.
This time it’s a mixed-use development planned in Dora Creek.
‘‘The proposed development will lead to an intensification of development in an area that may be affected by future sea level rise,’’ a council document said.
The three-level plan includes a commercial space and four residential units.
It is the third plan in recent months, in which the council used ‘‘intensification’’ as an argument to oppose a development.
Council staff took this stance in recommending rejection of a two-lot subdivision at Carey Bay and a dual occupancy at Swansea.
The council’s interpretation of intensification has been questioned.
The council uses the ‘‘NSW Coastal Planning Guideline: Adapting to Sea Level Rise’’ to support its argument.
In a letter to the council, the Dora Creek plan’s architect John Mason said the NSW guideline used the term intensification to refer to rezonings, not developments.
Mr Mason’s letter said the site was ‘‘sufficiently high to be above the projected sea level to 2100’’.
The building’s ground-floor level would be 3.1 metres above sea level, meeting the council’s requirements.
Pedestrians are at a high risk … during a serious (1 in 100-year) flood.
The council said the planned building and its residents would be ‘‘at a low of risk from current and future flooding, although they could be isolated for 24 hours or more’’.
‘‘However, assets adjacent to the building (cars for example), infrastructure and pedestrians are at a high risk … during a serious (1 in 100-year) flood.
‘‘For this reason, a medium-density residential development is potentially exposing more people to these external risks.’’
Mr Mason’s letter said Dora Creek floods were ‘‘of short duration, less than 24 hours’’.
The council also argued that its ‘‘area plan’’ for floodprone land at Dora Creek aimed to ‘‘restrict more intensive forms of development’’.
Councillor Rosmairi Dawson called up the application for a vote among councillors.
Cr Dawson had not decided how she would vote, saying she was waiting to see council staff’s final report on the matter.
Developer Francois Shamley was unavailable for comment.