Neville —
We’re excited to invite you to the biggest anti-fracking rock concert ever held in Australia – Rock the Gate – at the Enmore Theatre in Newtown, Sydney, 23rd November. All proceeds go to support Lock the Gate Alliance. Get your tickets now!

It’s spring and there is so much happening right across the country. This newsletter brings you lots of great events and all the latest updates – from the looming Senate Inquiry into the Qld Government, to the first Mining Free Community in South Australia, and the NSW Chief Scientists report on CSG. It’s all happening, and there are so many ways to get involved!
Join other communities at the Protecting our Heritage, Embracing the Future conference near Ipswich, from 24th to 27th October 2014. There will be inspiring speakers, top-notch trainers and a chance to learn from other mining-affected communities from all around Australia. Registrations close this Friday – Register Now!
Join in Fair Food Week from the 10th to 19th October where you can organise or participate in a local event to celebrate and learn about cultivating a better food future. The week is organised by the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance. See all the details and get involved here.
At a loose end on the long weekend? Get along to the Longview Farm Party, near Taree. A family friendly weekend event with live music, movies under the stars, fireworks and a giant waterslide. And it’s also a fundraiser for Lock the Gate. Enjoy a wonderful weekend by the Nowendoc River.
Come along to what is sure to be the biggest rally ever seen in the Northern Rivers as the community declares the region Gasfield Free and demands that all gas licences across the Northern Rivers are cancelled! 1st November 2014, Riverside Park Lismore.
In Queensland, the Federal Senate has launched an Inquiry into the Newman Government which will investigate coal and gas mining approvals and whether they have complied with Australia’s international obligations. The Inquiry was achieved thanks to the combined efforts of the Palmer United Party, the Australian Greens and the ALP.
This follows hard on the heels of an appalling midnight amendment to mining laws which was rammed through Qld Parliament in September to remove the rights of landholders to object to mining approvals in court.
This makes it even more important to step up our campaign for our bold new agenda – the People’s Common Rights and Provisions Bill 2014 – which sets out a plan to restore community rights to clean air and water and the right to say no to mining. Already more than 2,500 Queenslanders have backed the bill. The next step is to debate the Bill in Parliament on the 28th October
. Will you be there?Western Australia
Community concerns about unconventional gas drilling are growing rapidly in Western Australia, as exploratory shale gas drilling draws close to the Mt Lesueur National Park in the Mid West of the state. Last month, Central Greenough became the first community in WA to declare itself gasfield free and the Shire of Cooroow voted for a moratorium on fracking until a full Environmental Impact Statement is prepared.
Having successfully turned away Lakes Oil with their preparedness for a community blockade, Gippslanders and other Victorians are hoping that the forthcoming state election will see some firm policy from all sides of politics to create clear protected areas where unconventional gas is prohibited, and tough regulatory measures across the state. The message is being taken to audiences in the city with the launch of an exciting new film ‘Farmland, not Gaslands‘.
New South Wales
The final report by the NSW Chief Scientist on CSG mining has vindicated community concerns about the risks of CSG drilling and identified massive failures in regulation. We are calling for a halt to any further CSG drilling until all the additional research, law reform and environmental monitoring she recommends has been conducted and strict no-go zones are in place to protect water supplies, residential dwellings and food-producing areas.
Daily protest action is now underway in Gloucester, where exploratory fracking is planned within 300m of family homes. The local community have called for help from around the state. Will you come to their aid?
The level of bias in the NSW planning system towards coal miners has been challenged recently by mining affected communities who have lodged a formal complaint to the NSW Ombudsman against the Department of Planning and Environment. You can read the shocking log of claims against the Department here.
Northern Territory
In NT there is an ongoing inquiry into fracking that has attracted huge interest. The Commissioner conducting the inquiry recently attended a public meeting in Darwin where 90 people came to hear and express deep concern about the risks of shale gas in the Territory.
South Australia
The community of Robe will be the first in South Australia to declare their community ‘Gasfield Free’ when they gather together on Saturday, 11th October. The District Council of Robe has already taken strong action against gas drilling, joining with seven other Councils to ask the South Australian government to place a moratorium on unconventional gas drilling in the Limestone Coast region.
Lock the Gate Alliance |