Sometimes I’m floored by the sheer size of the opponents we’re up against.
Massive mining interests want to see ports expanded alongside the Reef – and it falls to ordinary Australians to draw a line and say we won’t stand for it. What gives me strength is that what we’re protecting is some of the most beautiful life on the planet. Once you’ve seen it – you want to save it.
Check out this new video we’ve put together that shows the stark contrast between what we’re trying to save, and what the threats to the Reef look like.
Help us get this video seen by as many people as possible – we need them all to see this, then join our campaign at
If thousands more people sign, it’ll give our combined voice the strength we need to make sure the World Heritage Committee makes a decision that demands protection for the Reef in 6 weeks time.
Click here to see the video – and then share it, and ask your friends to sign the petition too.
Thanks for your help,
Louise Matthiesson
Great Barrier Reef Campaigner
WWF-Australia |