Category: John James Newsletter

The John James newsletter sources information that the mainstream news deliberately ignores. The Generator checks, vets and provides sources for selected articles from John James’ feed.

John James Newsletter No. <58>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 58 2 May 2015 Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little Edmund Burke “So many wonderful things! This is the best blog, not just in australia. but the world. The Russia-Iran nexus is very important and makes what else is happening Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <43>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 43 31 January 2015 Syria joke How can you say that al Qaeda doesn’t have an air force? They have the Israeli air force. The Anti-Science Climate Denier Caucus The 38 climate deniers in the Senate who have publicly misrepresented the science behind global warming have received from the fossil fuel Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <59>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 59 9 May 2015 Men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things, while men who can manage money manage all Will Durant Two degrees of global warming is not ‘safe’: James Hansen 2 degrees is actually a prescription for disaster. That’s well understood by the scientific Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <44>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 44 7 February 2015 A billion falsehoods told a billion times by a billion people are still false. Travis Walton Paradise Stolen: Don’t Show Your Children Five Minute Video. Senior Abbott MP concedes Australians ready to leave the grid and rely instead on solar and storage. He suggested that state-owned Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <60>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 60 16 May 2015 (I will be overseas for the next three months, mainly in France with my beloved churches. I will continue to send out Newsletters each Saturday, though they may have a few less goodies.) In a world of conflict, a world of victims and executioners, thinking people should Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <45>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 45 14 February 2015 How Many Jews Died in the German Concentration Camps? It has been a common belief that about six million Jews died in the camps. Most laymen presume this was proven at Nuremberg in 1946. The international court did not prove anything of the sort, however, and historians Continue Reading →