A giant cheque, a big bird and a force for change ACF

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A giant cheque, a big bird and a force for change


Paul Sinclair, ACF Unsubscribe

4:21 PM (35 minutes ago)

to me


Just a quick note to say hello and let you know how our campaigns are travelling.

Thirteen billion dollars and no sense

52,735 of you signed a petition asking Joe Hockey to stop mining the public purse to pay big polluting companies. Seems like he’s not listening. Watch our video for Matt and Kelly’s verdict on the Federal Budget. (Spoiler: they both give it one star.)

The Renewable Energy Target is in limbo – but we’re not!

There’s talk of further undermining clean energy in Australia. Here are ten reasons why burning native forests burnt for electricity should not be included in the RET.

But local communities love a sun-powered country and you guys are spreading the word. So far, you’ve hung 27,468 posters in cafes, noticeboards and shops – like Ellen Boyd Green at Alice’s bookshop in North Carlton!

(Sorry if you’re still waiting for posters, we had to print more – they’ll be with you soon!)

Radioactive pollution in the Karlamilyi?

We were very disappointed to hear that Minister Greg Hunt approved Cameco Corporation’s Kintyre mine in the river catchments of WA’s beautiful Karlamilyi – announced under the radar just before Anzac Day.

But Minister Hunt knows we’re watching and the locals know they are not alone. 7,310 of you wrote letters expressing your concern, and the Traditional Owners appreciated this support and thank you for speaking out. It’s not over yet.

Meanwhile, the WA government has delisted some of the world’s oldest rock art and the beautiful James Prices Point peninsula. The federal and state governments are failing – but our resolve is not. Stay tuned.

Why did the cassowary cross the road?

Because its habitat has been chopped in half by a freeway. So far this year, more cassowaries have died from speeding cars, dog attacks and habitat loss than in all of 2014.

While local groups are doing great work to protect these gorgeous creatures, governments need to catch up! We need to transform our national nature protection framework so local, state and national laws work in together to protect life in Australia.

Photo: Paul IJsendoorn

Don’t let them silence you – speak out!

Powerful lobby groups and a handful of politicians are trying to remove the charity status of environment groups, your ability to give tax deductible donations and your freedom to speak out. Submissions close on Thursday 21 May. Please – make a submission today.

Photo: Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin River, Southwest Tasmania.
Photograph by Peter Dombrovskis, copyright Liz Dombrovskis

Count Me in!

It was wonderful to meet so many of you at our Count me in! tour, in towns and cities across Australia. Next up, Kelly, we’re heading to the Blue Mountains (20 May), Sydney (21 May) and Hobart (28 May). Will you join us?

Together we’re making the case that change for the better is necessary, possible and achievable.

Thank you,

Paul Sinclair
Campaigns Director
Australian Conservation Foundation

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