Abbott is gone. What next on climate? Sam LR – GetUp!

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Abbott is gone. What next on climate?


Sam LR – GetUp! Unsubscribe

12:53 PM (31 minutes ago)

to me


The haze of Tony Abbott’s climate denial is clearing, and it’s time for us to get organised.

Can you fill out this short survey to help set GetUp’s climate agenda?

The stage is set to make this a race to the top on climate. We’ve got a new Prime Minister still figuring out his long-term climate policy. We’ve got an opposition now desperate to find a platform that isn’t just ‘not-being-Tony-Abbott.’

World superpowers are about to meet for historic climate negotiations. And before we know it, we’ll be facing a Federal Election with climate change as a top voting issue.

We’re keen to get started, but we need your input:

The survey will only take a few minutes, but this is our chance to free Australians from dirty, polluting energy. To secure policy that shuts down dirty power plants and makes polluters take responsibility for their mess. To invest in big, ambitious new renewable power projects. To fight the companies polluting our air and damaging our climate.

To possibility,

Sam LR, for the GetUp team.

PS – There’s so much to do to protect people and the places we love from pollution, but there’s also so much you’ve helped get underway. Right now we’re getting ready to help fight Adani’s monstrous Carmichael Mine in court. And thanks to the incredible contribution of GetUp members, we’re working with policy experts, scientists and movement partners to develop our Homegrown Power Plan to pull our major parties towards strong renewable energy policy. Thank you for helping to make this happen.

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