Tell Turnbull to fund Gonski

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Tell Turnbull to fund Gonski

Tell Turnbull to fund Gonski   AUSTRALIAN UNIONS TEam


Tell Turnbull to fund Gonsk


12:03 PM (3 hours ago)

to me

Inga —

Next week union members, parents and supporters across the country are calling Malcolm Turnbull to demand he fund Gonski.  Be part of this nation-wide action by registering here.

One of the first election promises the Abbott-Turnbull Government broke was bi-partisan support for extra funding for our schools so every child, no matter what their background, gets a quality education.

Let’s see if we can convince Malcolm Turnbull to reverse this decision.

We will build a better future for our children by winning this funding.  Already some schools have received some Gonski funding and they are getting results. Principals and teachers are using the funding to reduce class sizes, improve student literacy and numeracy and help those at risk of falling behind.

But too many schools and students are still missing out.

The Australian Education Union has put together some great stories on how schools are using the Gonski funding and you can learn more about their Gonski week actions and activities here.
Winning Gonski funding will be a once in a generation achievement and is a key part of our Build a Better Future campaign.

Let’s all get behind the push to make it happen.

In union,


Dave and Ged

Australian Unions Team

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