Dear Neville,
Are you horrified to hear of the WA Premier’s plan to close 150 Aboriginal communities?The church cannot repeat the sins of the past, and be silent and complicit in the forced removal of Aboriginal people from their spiritual homelands.
Act now to ask the WA Premier to cease any decisions on the funding or closures of 150 Indigenous homeland communities.
WA Premier Colin Barnett plans to force the closure of 150 Aboriginal communities, and has made this decision without consulting those who call these communities home.
Before making decisions with such huge impacts for Aboriginal people, a full impact assessment and public consultation process must be engaged in. The voices of those for whom these communities are their homes, their traditional lands and their history must be heard. If this goes ahead a dangerous precedent would be set for all of Australia. (Here’s the best summary we’ve seen so far.)
We believe that as Christians we must ACT in solidarity with our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.
So in PRAYER we ask for your ACTION today! Add your name to ask the WA Premier to cease any decisions on the funding or closures of 150 Indigenous homeland communities.
Larissa Minniecon, Brooke Prentis and the Common Grace Team
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