Business Voice launched by Westender

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Business-Voice-600x168You are reading Business Voice, the eNews from Westender publishing house Urban Voice Pty Ltd.

This has evolved out of the Westender business section and is now beginning the journery of standing on its own two feet. Just as we did with the Westender last year, we are building online at first making sure that we build a loyal readership and advertiser base and, more importantly, that we are serving your needs as we build. For example,  we are still determining the best time of the week and day to get this news out to you..

We’d love your feedback using the comment form below (facebook or web) and we’d love to know more about what you want to read and when.

The Business Voice facebook page is at and you can subscribe to this weekly eNews at the Westender website.

Please share this with your colleagues and friends.

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