Daily update: Can energy utilities keep their customers, or will they flee the grid?
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Research says one-third of electricity customers will change suppliers or quit the grid – what will the utilities do? Plus: A heartfelt solar plea to Abbott; BHP’s climate concession; 1000s set to attend Friday rallies for RET; why the future energy giants will not be the usual suspects; federal MP’s rant against environmentalists taps into terror; UN climate summit special briefing; how gas is ruining it for renewables; the truth about the Arctic ice melt; and more big solar moves from SolarCity.
Energy utilities have decided to take solar and storage seriously after all, as new research says one third of customers will take their energy supply elsewhere, or even leave the grid, as solar, batteries and electric vehicles provide new options.
A 2MW solar plant Conergy Australia is building in New Caledonia will be heart-shaped: a message to the Abbott government to ‘start loving solar.’
BHP Billiton says it is factoring climate into all its investments, unlike the Australian government. The statement comes as Ian Dunlop says he will run again for the board.
Thousands of renewables workers and supporters set to picket government offices across Australia to demand support for the 41,000GWh by 2020 RET.
Australia could be a big winner in global race towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy future. But it would mean cannibalising existing energy industries, a challenge ducked by Kodak.
Federal MP George Christensen equates environmental activism with terrorism, says ‘gutless green germs’ are attacking Australian livelihoods.
A summary of the major announcements on climate pledges, climate finance and forestry, and whether they are new.
New study suggests push toward natural gas is not only a distraction from “decarbonizing” the U.S., it could also make climate change worse.
According to polar scientist Dr Dirk Notz, the question isn’t why is Arctic sea ice melting so fast, it’s how come we have any left at all?
SolarCity strikes a deal with New York for solar manufacturing plant. The projected economic boost is good news today. Will it continue into the future?