CCL Newsletter: DC Conference, Pathway to Paris & More

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CCL Newsletter: DC Conference, Pathway to Paris & More


Mark Reynolds, Citizens’ Climate Lobby <> Unsubscribe

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CCL Newsletter, January – February 2015

Hayhoe in Boulder

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is our keynote speaker for this year’s conference in DC.

CCL International Conference 2015

1,000 Volunteers, 535 Congressional Meetings, 1 Goal

Registration is now open for the 6th CCL International Conference in Washington, DC, June 21-23. America’s most persuasive climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe, is our keynote speaker this year. She was featured in Showtime’s award-winning series on climate change, Years of Living Dangerously, and was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. We anticipate sending 1,000 volunteers to Capitol Hill this year. Register early if you want to lobby. We have space at the conference for more than 1,000 attendees, but we’ll be limiting lobbying to the first 1,000 who register. With the Paris treaty coming up at the end of the year and the Pope’s encyclical dealing with climate change due also, 2015 is shaping up to be a momentous year. With your help, we’re hoping to have a breakthrough this summer with Congress.

Joe and John in Lima cropped

John Hansen (left) and Joe Robertson made CCL’s presence known at the COP20 meeting in Lima, Peru.

Our guys in Lima:  Pathway to Paris on the road

Joe-julie-luke 5

At the UN Climate Change Conference in Lima last month, CCL Global Strategy Director Joe Robertson and DC CCL volunteer John Hansen spread the word about Pathway to Paris, a project of CCL and Citizens’ Climate Education Corp. to pull together a coalition of stakeholders, thought-leaders, businesses, nonprofits and governments, to achieve an economically efficient, value-building plan to price carbon and transition to climate-smart economic and investment policies. Joe and John established relationships with representatives of the World Bank and IMF, and connected with Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop (in photo with Joe) and Maria van der Hoeven, executive director of the International Energy Agency. Read more from Joe about the COP20 meeting in Lima on CCL’s blog in this post and this post.


Mark’s musings on cheap gas, Keystone votes

If you’re not subscribing to CCL’s blog, you’re missing out on the latest news and posts from CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds and our expanding roster of bloggers. In a December post, Mark wrote about plummeting pricGas pumpes at the gas pump and the need to get off the oil market roller coaster in a piece titled, “Cheap gas got you thinking about that Suburban? Think again.” A version of Mark’s piece was sent out to CCL chapters as an op-ed to be submitted to local newspapers, and some 15 papers ran it. Last week, Mark found reason for optimism in Senate votes for amendments to the Keystone pipeline bill that included three “sense of the Senate” resolutions on climate change. Find out why Mark thinks the “Tipping point for carbon pricing just got closer.” If you’re on Twitter or Facebook, you can help build our audience. Just go to our posts and click the social media buttons to share with followers and friends.

By the Numbers

By The Numbers Comparison

Regional conferences continue to roll out

Brea Crew

The Brea CCL chapter hosted the El Niño regional conference

Brea, California and Atlanta, Georgia

CCL SE conf 2

Earlier this month, the Southern California – aka “El Niño” – region held their conference in Brea, CA, with 136 attendees covering 25 congressional districts. Three new chapters were launched with a Group Start Workshop led by Mark Reynolds – Long Beach, Ventura and Victor-Valley. For a fuller account of the El Niño conference, check out the blog post from Peg Mitchell and Davia Rivka on CCL’s Web site.

Meanwhile, attendees got a dose of southern hospitality at the Southeast Regional Conference in Atlanta last weekend (photo above), which was held at Georgia Tech.

Coming up, the CCL NorCal regional conference – Feb. 20-21 in the Bay Area – will kick off with an amazing panel discussion featuring diverse leaders in the political, business and environmental communities on solutions to the urgent issue of climate change. Panelists include: Kevin Krick from the California Republican Party, Ian Adams from R Street Institute, Kate Gordon from Next Generation, and Bruce Hamilton from the Sierra Club. The conference will continue on Saturday with a day of networking and education, as we focus on growing our CCL chapters and building connections to key climate stakeholders and diverse constituencies. You can register here.

Other regionals to come:

Feb. 7-8            Wild West — Golden, CO (Register)
Mar. 7-8           Great Pacific Northwest — Seattle, WA (Register)
Mar. 14-15       NE/Mid-Atlantic—Bethlehem, PA

TuTu Much CO2 challenge a success

Mark tutu 2

Last fall, Citizens’ Climate Lobby launched the #TUTUMUCHCO2 campaign as a way to help raise the $1.5 million needed to support our work this fiscal year (ending 3/31/15). Mark Reynolds, our fearless leader, agreed to wear a tutu for an entire day IF we could raise $500,000 through the campaign by the end of 2014. TUTUMUCHCO2 donations continue to come in, but your efforts have already raised well over $200,000, shattering our last year’s appeal final total of $150,000. In acknowledgement and appreciation for all of your playful, courageous, and effective fundraising, Mark sported a tutu, if not for the day, at least for a photo.

Bike or Hike for CCL

Speaking of fundraising, if you’re an avid cyclist or hiker, there are four opportunities coming up this year to raise money for CCL through – three bike rides – in California, the Midwest and the Northeast – and a hike through Glacier National Park. CCL staffer Ricky Bradley is organizing a special group of CCL volunteers for the Glacier National Park hike. There are still a few slots open for the hike, and if you’re interested, contact Ricky at

Joining the CCL Staff

Please welcome our newest CCL staffers, Ricky Bradley and Tony Sirna, who are upgrading and maintaining our presence on the Internet as well as managing the voluminous data that our organization is tracking.

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Ricky serves as Technology Director and Lead Developer of CCL’s websites. This includes the design, build, and implementation of new web pages as well as maintenance of CCL’s existing web portfolio. Ricky will also focus on implementing the technological infrastructure to support all aspects of member preparedness. Prior to joining CCL, Ricky served as Director of Quality Assurance and Communications for the world’s third largest bank. He holds a degree in Communications from Auburn and an MBA from S.M.U. Sandwiched between degree programs, Ricky studied IT at UNLV.


Tony, our new Information Technology Director, helps make sure technology is empowering Citizens’ Climate Lobby staff and volunteers to maximize their effectiveness in solving climate change. Through our CCL database, website, and volunteer communications portal, he helps communication flow smoothly within CCL and to the wider public. Before joining CCL, Tony was the founder of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, a sustainability demonstration project in northeast Missouri. He has a BS in Computer Science from Stanford University and is trained in meeting facilitation and conflict resolution.

Canadian petition for Carbon Fee & Dividend

Over 10,000 people have signed the petition for a Canadian Referendum on Carbon Fee and Dividend. CCLer Keith McNeil wrote the Care2 petition for a referendum on carbon fee and dividend. He outlined to us an impeccable promotion plan, which included a huge mainstream media component and a well-thought-out publicity event in early June in Ottawa. The petition has caught the attention of Care2 and now they are promoting it. Since Care2 has over 27 million subscribers, this is really exciting. Congratulations Keith and thank you for helping us create the political will for a progressive carbon price for Canada by Election 2015. By the way, you don’t have to be a Canadian to sign the petition.



Register Now!

for the 6th
International Conference
in Washington, DC 

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