Concentration camps in North Korea,

That the Senate is aware:

a) of reports that approximately 200 000 people are held in hard labour
concentration camps in North Korea;
b) that prisoners allegedly include people caught listening to foreign
radio broadcasts, families of accused persons and those who have failed
to show ‘proper respect’ to the President; and
c) that after 12 to 15 hours work daily, a poor diet, no medical care or
proper sanitary conditions, thousands of prisoners have allegedly died
or are dying.

calls on the government to report to the Senate within one month, with a
full account of all knowledge available on this issue.

Greens Leader Bob Brown, who moved the motion, said that North Korea has
an appalling array of concentration camps, with the world largely

“The suffering of so many good people who are victims of this vicious
police state can only be helped if first their plight becomes known to
the wider world. Australia has an embassy in Pyongyang. The Senate is
right to want to know the full extent of the persecution of North
Koreans who dare to look beyond their national borders.”

Further information: Russell Kelly 0438 376 082

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