While developers have been getting a dream run through council many food businesses have found themselves the subject of increased scrutiny. Westender has run into more than one cafe owner who has recentlly had a call regarding the design assessment under the Food At 2006. While the new city plan does not alter the criteria for the design assessment it has shifted the focus on what areas will receive attention.
If you are starting a new food business or taking over an existing food business you may need a food business licence. Brisbane City Council offers information for new and existing food licenses, and the permits required for footpath and outdoor dining.
Lord Mayor Quirk recently wrote to small business owners offeringa guide to opening a restaurant and cafe as part of the new planning tools.
The BCC website breaks this down into the following areas.
Starting a new food business
Find out the requirements for home based food business, market stalls, mobile vehicles, roadside vending, cafes, restaurants, takeaways, food manufacturing and catering. You can also find the different rules that apply to non-profit and government organisations.
Taking over an existing food business
If you are thinking about taking over an existing licensed food business, find out how to research the food business and purchase a pre-sale inspection report. Licences are not transferable and you will need to apply for a new licence. Learn about the different requirements if you are renovating the premises.
Information for existing food licensees
Learn about the Eat Safe rating program and licence renewals. Find out Council’s requirements for renovations to premises and adding new food services. All licensees must nominate a Food Safety Supervisor and some need to have an accredited Food safety Program.
Footpath dining
A food business that provides tables and chairs on the footpath for outdoor dining needs a Footpath Dining permit. Find out the process and how to apply.
Outdoor dining in malls
You need a licence to have outdoor dining in the Queen Street and Valley Malls. Find out the fees and how to apply.
Many of these applications can now be lodged online, but the design assessment involves an officer on the premises.