Farewell and thanks from me. SAM McLEAN GET UP

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Farewell and thanks from me.


Sam McLean – GetUp!

6:25 PM (14 minutes ago)

to me

I’m just emailing to let you know that I’ve decided to step down as National Director of GetUp today, and make way for new leadership.

When I walked through GetUp’s doors as a volunteer eight years ago, I found my tribe: people of all ages across the country who believe in collective action, because politics is just too important to be left to politicians! Working with you all has been an absolute privilege. I recorded a short video to say thanks and explain what comes next!

I’m so proud to have been part of what this movement has achieved together already, and I will always be part of that as an active member. Maybe this is cheeky of me – but I literally just filled out my credit card details to become a weekly donor to GetUp because I really believe in what the team is doing, and if you’d like to join me in supporting them, please do!

Ultimately, GetUp has never really been about our small team of staff. It’s about what we can all achieve when hundreds of thousands of us work together. With our Government brazenly attacking climate action and trampling roughshod over basic democratic rights, especially for asylum seekers, we have so much to keep fighting for. But as always, we don’t give up, we GetUp!

With hope,

PS – I particularly want to thank all those members I have met in person over the years, and the incredible team of staff and volunteers who will keep making GetUp members more and more powerful. I love you all. Thank you so much!

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