Friday, Quitting, CommBank.
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5:05 PM (1 hour ago)
Dear Neville,
CommBank’s deadline for considering where they stand on coal is fast approaching.
This has been a huge year for CommBank and coal. In August, they ended their relationship with Adani’s Galilee coal project. Now there are signs that CommBank is reassessing the climate impacts of their investment across the country. This could be huge.
Instead of communities pushing back against one coal mine after another, CommBank has the opportunity to begin saying no to coal across the board. This is a move that could start putting out the spot fires of new coal proposals, by extinguishing the industry at the coalface.
Join us this Friday in Sydney to ensure CommBank says goodbye to coal.
CommBank has indicated that a decision on the climate impacts of their investments could be made before their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 17th. That means we have just over a month to keep the pressure on CommBank at this critical time.
To show just how many Australians want CommBank to quit coal, we’re holding our own ‘People’s AGM’ one month out from CommBank’s AGM. We will gather outside their head office in Sydney to call on them to rule out investing in polluting industries of the past.
CommBank is one of Australia’s major lenders to coal – having provided over $4.3 billion in loans to coal projects since 2008. Now is our chance to turn off this tap to the coal industry, and begin building the cleaner, brighter future we’ve all been fighting for.
We’re on the cusp of something huge, now is the time to keep pushing!
Isaac for the Australia team
PS: Invite others to join you this Friday – click on the image below or forward this email to help us spread the word: is building a global climate movement.You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a Climate Defender and donate monthly to help keep Australia’s fossil fuels in the ground.