Aboriginal people and their supporters will be demanding that the British Crown return all the land on the Australian continent that they hold illegally when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Sydney and Brisbane this week.
Kooma man and member of the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, Wayne Wharton, said “In 1992 the Mabo High Court case found that the Crown’s claim of ownership and sovereignty of this continent via Terra Nullius was illegal. The court upheld that there was a system of governance by the original tribes and that our sovereignty has never been ceded.
“It is only through the Royal Family’s false and illegal claim of sovereignty over this continent that Federal, State and Territory governments derive their authority to pass laws and enforce them.
“By not answering the big question posed by the Mabo decision the Queen, her representatives and the Australian Government have effectively been lying to everyone who calls this continent home since 1992.
“All people who call this continent home need to start maturely and seriously engaging with the issue of Aboriginal sovereignty because the Queen and the Government have proven incapable of doing this.”
“We carefully managed this land for tens of thousands of years, then the British Crown illegally occupies it and in a blink of an eye much of the land is damaged. Our sovereignty is NOT about deporting people or taking peoples homes, it is about our birthright and responsibility to protect this land and ALL the people (old and new) who live on it.
“That’s why we will be telling the Royal visitors, ‘Give back what you stole! Our Sovereignty has never been ceded!’”