Help the Greens break the climate deadlock

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Key points on the Greens’ proposal:

You can read all about the Greens’ proposal to break the climate deadlock here, and details on our position on emissions trading and the CPRS here. Here are a few dot points to get your creative juices flowing.

  • The Greens are now in good faith discussions with the government towards their proposal to break the political deadlock on climate action, adopt Professor Garnaut’s suggestion of a two year interim scheme with a fixed price, no trading and no offsets.
    • The government should negotiate with the Greens in good faith to make sure we can take a positive step in climate action in Australia.
  • Mr Rudd is making no attempt to get his CPRS through the Senate. The Greens are putting forward a constructive proposal to get Australia moving towards the zero carbon future.
  • The Greens’ proposal is designed as a building block for future climate action that’s got real teeth. Mr Rudd’s CPRS is impossible to strengthen after it’s passed, locking in failure before we begin.
  • The Greens’ proposal gives half its revenue back to Australia’s householders and is still in the black. Mr Rudd’s CPRS pays polluters to keep polluting and ends up deep in debt.