New REC registry named: The ORER’s contract with the Marketplace
Company to support the REC Registry expires in December 2005. In March
2005 the office awarded a contract to develop a new REC Registry to
AusRegistry International. The migration from the old system to the new
system and the scheduled launch of the new system in late 2005 is being
pursued as a key strategic objective.
ORER policy focus: The ORER expects to continue to work with
industry to enhance their understanding and participation in the MRET,
The ORER also intends to maintain close links with the DEH as it works
with the Government to implement any changes arising from the review of
the operation of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (the
Tambling review titled Renewable Opportunities), the energy statement
Securing Australia’s Energy Future and any other relevant policies
which may arise.
Reference: Financial Annual Report, Australian Government, Office of
the Renewable Energy Regulator. Contact: Manager, Office of the
Renewable Energy Regulator, GPO Box 621, CANBERRA ACT 2601, ph: (02)
6274 1416, fax: (02) 6274 1725
Erisk Net, 13/12/2005