This changes everything
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Is capitalism at war with the climate?
It’s a question that has come up again and again over the past few years as I’ve had the privilege of travelling the world meeting with First Nations peoples, activists, farmers, unionists, scientists, and politicians who are trying to respond effectively to global warming.
One thing is clear: with corporations wielding so much political power, we can’t get away with tinkering around the edges of our economic and social system and still avoid a climate disaster. In my book and documentary This Changes Everything, I argue that climate change demands much deeper changes. The real question is: how can we make sure those changes deliver a better and fairer system for all?
That’s what I’ll be discussing when I speak at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House this Saturday 5th September. I’m pleased to invite you as a GetUp member to view the live-stream of my presentation for free.
You can RSVP for the free live-stream of the show now:
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the scale of the climate challenge, especially when combined with our broken economic and political systems. But what we always need to remember is that while we can’t change the laws of nature, we can change our economy. That’s why climate change doesn’t have to end in disaster. It could just be our best chance to demand, and build, a better world.
People the world over are already working on it – they aren’t waiting for the political elite to come to agreement at the Paris climate talks in December. We already know what needs to happen. We need to build a movement that’s strong enough to force our political leaders to make a choice about whose side they are on. Strong enough to say to them: you can come with us on the journey of transforming our economy and society, or you can be left behind.
For this, we need to build a movement of movements, one which brings together Indigenous peoples, farmers, unionists, health professionals, the faith community, aid organisations and environmentalists.
To hear all about it, you can register to watch the free live-stream of my presentation here.
It’s all in, or we all lose.
I’ll be speaking at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas but I know not everyone can make it to the Sydney Opera House. So thanks to GetUp, my talk will be live-streamed to tens of thousands of Australians on the GetUp website, where there’ll be an opportunity for you to comment and have your say, too.
To change everything, we’ll need everyone.
Are you in?
Naomi Klein
Author of This Changes Everything, Capitalism vs the Climate
P.S. from Getup – we’ll be working with Naomi Klein and the This Changes Everything team over the coming weeks, and this is the exciting first step. We’ll set up a live twitter feed on our website for you to make comments as Naomi’s talk is live-streamed on Saturday. Make sure you RSVP!