Keeping an eye- from the sky- on volcanoes

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News 10 new results for volcanoes
Werner Herzog Plots Movies About Volcanoes, Helmut Newton, and British
The first he hopes to put before the cameras is a “stylized documentary” about volcanoes. “I have become friends with a great volcanologist from Cambridge University called Clive Oppenheimer,” Herzog told Screen. “He wrote a wonderful book called
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Keeping An Eye – From The Sky – On Volcanoes
The importance of global and frequent data coverage of volcanoes was highlighted in a recent article published in Science. Satellites are finding that volcanoes previously thought to be dormant are showing signs of unrest.
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Holy smokes: Volcano House may finally reopen
Honolulu Civil Beat
The Volcano House, the iconic red inn and restaurant overlooking Kīlauea caldera in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, may finally reopen after two years and more than $4 million in renovations. Long known for the flames that had flickered continuously
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Looking Back at the 1982 eruption of El Chichón in Mexico
Wired News
It sits between two volcanic arcs — the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt and the Guatemalan Belt — and in a region with few active volcanoes. Prior to the 1982 eruption, the volcano had not erupted since ca. 1360 AD (although a small explosion may have
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Astronaut Spots Steam Flowing from Island Volcano
Our Amazing Planet
An astronaut aboard the International Space Station spotted a steam plume flowing from the northernmost volcano on Pagan Island, part of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas. The commonwealth is an island chain of volcanoes that form the margin
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Our Amazing Planet
Rugby Mom Takes on Philippine Volcanoes
The Philippine Volcanoes are the newest competitors in Hong Kong’s Rugby Sevens Tournament. The WSJ’S Deborah Kan, resident rugby mom, joins the team for a day to run through some of their favorite plays.
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Hicks: Does world need two Snow White movies?
San Jose Mercury News
In 1997, Hollywood gave us dueling volcanoes with “Dante’s Peak” and “Volcano,” the latter of which was slightly less ridiculous than “Armageddon.” Of course, surprise volcanoes just show up out of the blue to erupt in the middle of a city.
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Following Birds to Nicaragua
Virginia Connection Newspapers
During a class party to celebrate Bachelet’s return from Nicaragua, Raquel Davis (left) drew a picture of a volcano like the twin volcanoes on Ometepe Island in Nicaragua where Bachelet traveled to in February. Grace Morgan, seated next to Davis,
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Short films showcase research at the University of Bristol
This is Bristol
Research and talent at the University of Bristol has been showcased in a new collection of 52 short films exploring topics from the complexities of volcanoes to witchcraft in the modern world. The films, produced by Bristol-based Beeston Media and
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Fairbanks skiers take on new winter contest
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
“You could see the Augustine and Iliamna volcanoes; the Iliamna volcano was steaming. You could see across Kachemak Bay on one side and across Cook Inlet on the other side.” The Rozells were the only entrants north of the Alaska Range who ventured
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