Already operating in Docklands
As a result of work by Melbourne
Water and other organizations, including Monash, the rain gardens are
already operating in new residential developments, including Docklands,
and in inner urban areas such as Richmond.
Water-friendly plants
Averaging around five square metres in
size, the gardens “clean” stormwater run-off as it passes through a bed
of sandy loam soil which is filled with reeds and other water-friendly
Conference this week
These world-leading developments will be
highlighted this week at a major international conference in Melbourne,
organised by Dr Fletcher and Dr Ana Deletic from the Institute. The 7th
International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and the
International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design are being held
concurrently at the Grand Hyatt.
Reference: Ms Robyn Anns, Monash Media Communications, on +613 9906
9317 or 0417 568 781. Dr Tim Fletcher on 0407 617 662, or Dr Ana
Deletic on 0422 986 720.
Erisk Net, 4/4/2006