Members Bill opposes nuclear waste dump in SA


Labor, Liberals favour nuclear industry: "So, the big guns are circling," he continued. "It is not just Hugh Morgan. Before that we had Pangea, then we had the United States proposal to lease Australian nuclear fuel before it was used and then returned to Australia for disposal. As a state, our ability to say no to these schemes becomes much harder if we are awash with uranium dollars from our exports. On 29 April this year the Australian Labor Party (ALP) national conference marked the death of Labor Party opposition to the nuclear fuel cycle. In June this year the Liberal Party federal council voted to support the development of a global nuclear waste dump in Australia. The federal Liberal council passed the following resolution: ‘That federal council believes that Australia should expand its current nuclear industry to incorporate the entire uranium fuel cycle, the expansion of uranium mining to be combined with nuclear generation and worldwide nuclear waste storage in the geotechnically stable and remote areas that Australia has to offer’."

Upper Spencer Gulf possible nuclear site: "I think that is code for South Australia", Parnell commented. "On 16 July this year there was a massive radioactive leak in Tokyo Electric’s giant nuclear plant as a result of a magnitude 6.8 earthquake and, just four days later, Prime Minister Howard flagged his intention to sign a nuclear pact with President Bush. This Howard move will inevitably bring Australia under pressure to become a global nuclear waste dump. It will increase terrorist focus on Australia and will create a direct incentive for nuclear power plants to be built in Australia. As you would know, Mr Acting President, time and again when possible locations for future nuclear plants are mentioned, the top of the list is usually South Australia’s Upper Spencer Gulf region. So, we cannot deny that we are front and centre to the debate in Australia over the expansion of the nuclear industry," he concluded.

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