Milne says thank you for record Tasmanian Green vote

Meanwhile the polling booth at Nimbin in the Richmond electorate recorded a Green
vote of 49%.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Milne says thank-you for record Tasmanian Green vote

In the biggest vote for a third party since the Second
World War, The Greens will return to federal parliament with eight and
possibly nine senators and the House of Representatives seat of
Melbourne, Australian Greens Deputy Leader Christine Milne said today.

“We have achieved balance of power in the Senate and
will use that power responsibly for good and progressive outcomes for
the people of Australia.

“Regardless of which party forms government, we will
work with them using the huge experience we have with balance of power

“We will also work with the Independents in the House of
Representatives to progress important initiatives for Australia
including a national gross feed in tariff and stronger biosecurity and
quarantine regimes.

“In Tasmania one in five people voted for the Greens in
the Senate delivering 20.2% of the vote, up on 18.7% in 2007.

“I am very grateful for the confidence that Tasmanians
have placed in me and the Greens team and humbled by the overwhelming
record show of support.

“Tasmanians know that the Greens are playing a leading
role in driving action on climate change and are excited about what we
offer for rural and regional communities whether it’s our vision of a
food security plan for Australia, renewable energy, or uses for the
National Broadband Network, or increased funding for dental and mental
health and public education.”

In the House of Representatives there was a swing to the
Greens in every electorate:
Bass 15.22%          +0.8% swing
Lyons 16.38%        +5.42%
Braddon 11.81% +3.68
Franklin 20.79%  +6.07%
Denison 18.96%  +0.37%

“Forty percent of people in Denison have voted for The
Greens or Andrew Wilkie in a history making shift away from the Labor
and Liberal parties and making this seat one of the most interesting
henceforth in State and federal politics.”

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