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News 8 new results for DANGER TO US NUCLEAR PLANTS
From Rocky Flats to Fukushima: our nuclear folly
The Guardian
The US is soon to start construction on several new reactors for the first time in three decades. Iversen, a softspoken woman with a laid-back western vibe, wearing jeans and lavender scarf, seems an unlikely prophet of nuclear catastrophe.
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The Guardian
How the Yakuza went nuclear
Of the three reactors that melted down, one was nearly 40 years old and should have been decommissioned two decades ago. The cooling pipes, “the veins and arteries of the old nuclear reactors”, which circulated fluid to keep the core temperature down,
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20 yrs nuclear plant exposure = 1 X-ray shot
Deccan Chronicle
By Sangeetha Nair The radiation exposure for those residing around a nuclear plant for 20 years is equal to a dose of radiation from a single x-ray! This needs to be stated because of the negative publicity attached to the Koodankulam Nuclear Power
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Transcripts show NRC officials debated chairman’s claim on spent-fuel pools in
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Top Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials debated the accuracy of public statements made by the agency’s chairman about a pool holding spent fuel rods at a crippled Japan nuclear plant, newly released transcripts show.
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Rethinking the Nuclear Energy Renaissance
Energy Collective
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission recently approved a license for what is to become the first nuclear power reactor built in the US in over 30 years. The reactors, scheduled to go online sometime in 2016, would be the first nuclear reactors in the US
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Importance of the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit 2012
Korea IT Times (press release)
The Seoul Nuclear Security Summit will be held on March 26 th -27 th , and will be the largest summit that shares international cooperative ideas to protect nuclear plants and materials from falling into the hands of terrorists.
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Encryption question raised following USB stick data losses
Security Park
Latest news report a USB stick containing a safety assessment of a nuclear power plant in North-East England going walkabout from the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). The unencrypted USB stick contained a ‘stress test’ safety assessment of the
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UN nuclear inspectors now back in Tehran
Worcester Telegram
A currency exchange bureau worker counts US dollars, as Iranian bank notes are seen at right. Sanctions have had an effect on Iranian currency. (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) By Alan Cowell THE NEW YORK TIMES LONDON — A team of UN inspectors arrived in Iran
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