Nuclear news

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News 9 new results for DANGER TO US NUCLEAR PLANTS
New Fukushima scare blamed on faulty thermometer
TOKYO (Reuters) – A scare over temperatures rising near danger level in a reactor at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, where workers are battling to prevent a resurgence of the radiation crisis, could be a false alarm, the plant operator said on Monday.
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California’s Nuclear Alarm Bells
Yahoo! Contributors Network
Since then, no new nuclear plants have been built in the US, no major accidents have occurred, and anti-nuke sentiment had become largely dormant. But that all changed when last year’s devastating earthquake and resulting tsunami crippled the Fukushima
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Yahoo! Contributors Network
Iran says its nuclear facilities are immune to cyberattacks
The US and its allies suspect Iran’s nuclear program aims to develop atomic weapons. Iran says its program is meant to produce fuel for future nuclear power reactors and medical radioisotopes needed for cancer patients. Jalali was quoted by the state
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Energy woes pose fresh threat to Korea
Korea Times
By Kang Hyun-kyung The three events of the Arab Spring, the Washington-led effort to deter Iran’s nuclear weapons program and the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear reactors have one thing in common. They together have led to a global energy dilemma as
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Korea Times
COLUMN: Risking health for nuclear power?
The Statesman
This past week the first new US. nuclear power plants in a generation were approved for construction in Georgia. It’s about time. Nuclear energy is everything we could want in an energy source — it’s clean, sustainable and independent.
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America’s Green Enemies (press release)
By Alan Caruba Manasquan, NJ –( It was good news that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the nation’s first nuclear power plants on February 9th, clearing the way for the construction of two reactors by Southern Company at its
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Obama’s Dangerous Game With Iran
How much influence does Obama have over Israel, and how committed is the United States to preventing a nuclear Iran at any cost? To answer that question, it helps to understand the game as Obama sees it—and to appreciate how we got to this dangerous
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The art of shutting down a nuclear plant
Gaëtan Girardin, researcher in nuclear engineering, gives us the key to understanding nuclear reactor safety. While the disaster at Fukushima is at the center of our conversation, the recent and minor incident at the Mühleberg plant (Switzerland) is
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Expert commission recommends extending aging French nuclear plants
Monsters and
Paris – A group of energy experts on Monday recommended that France extend the life of aging nuclear reactors, unless they pose a specific safety threat. The Energy 2050 commission, which was set up by the government to look at energy supply options
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