Nuclear Summit Falls Short on Goal

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Nuclear Summit Falls Short on Goal
Wall Street Journal
Even with the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan last year serving to focus world attention on the danger nuclear materials can present, the negotiations on nuclear security have become as complicated as those over the global financial crisis
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Guns, gates guards do not make N-plants secure: India
Daily News & Analysis
Sources said that the ‘insider threat‘ was more a concern in Pakistan’s nuclear installations than in India. US President Barack Obama opened the Summit this evening with a assurance that the US would further cut its own nuclear stockpiles.
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Shunning Nuclear Power Will Lead to a Warmer World
Yale Environment 360
But there are worse consequences for the health of the Japanese, and serious long-term impacts on all of us. Japan has shut down almost all its reactors, and it’s unclear how many will ever restart. Germany has decided to phase out its nuclear power
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NBC Sees Nuclear Plant as Job Creator for Vets…After Hyping It As Dangerous
NewsBusters (blog)
LESTER HOLT: As the disaster in Japan unfolds, serious questions are being raised about the safety of nuclear power plants in the United States. A government report has found the plant with the highest risk of core damage from an earthquake here is
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NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS: The Very Real Possibility of A Global Nuclear Catastrophe
The Market Oracle
We are terrified of things that will probably never happen, and underestimate the real dangers which face us. Nasa scientists are predicting that a solar storm will knock out most of the electrical power grid in many countries worldwide,
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At nuclear summit, new agendas vie for space with security
The Hindu
“Last year, the IAEA Board of Governors unanimously approved the safeguards agreements of our two new civil nuclear power plants,” he said, referring to the Chashma-3 and 4 reactors supplied by China. That approval “shows the international community’s
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The Hindu
Canada not at table as US, others announce isotope plan
The US, Belgium, France and the Netherlands committed Monday to convert their isotope-producing nuclear reactors to the new process by 2015, saying doing so would also improve the reliability of the isotope supply. Canada is a leader in the field,
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Interest in nuclear energy legitimate, BuShehr plant location a concern -lecture
Kuwait News Agency
By Abdelwaheb El Gueyed (with photos) VIENNA, March 26 (KUNA) — Though it is legitimate for countries to show interest in nuclear power, possession of such technology causes legitimate fears when specific risk factors are present, said a specialist
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Japan to push anti-terror measures at nuke plants
Pekin Daily Times
By By Eric Talmadge AP The US had repeatedly warned Japan about vulnerabilities at its nuclear plants in case of a Sept. 11-style terror attack. It turned out Washington was right about the soft spots, but wrong about the enemy that would strike them.
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