Petition delivery and a bit of CSG shirt-fronting Lock the Gate Alliance

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Petition delivery and a bit of CSG shirt-fronting


Lock the Gate Alliance <>

3:58 PM (3 minutes ago)

to me
Lock the Gate Alliance
Dear Neville,

As you probably remember, not long after he became Prime Minister, Tony Abbott visited Tara in rural Qld, where families have been forced to live in the middle of industrial gasfields.

While there, Mr Abbott promised local mum Debbie Orr that there would never be another case of gas wells built so close to residential areas.  He said that CSG mining ”should never be allowed in residential areas'” and that “nobody should be forced to have a gas well on their property.”

You are one of more than 7,500 of Lock the Gate’s supporters that have since signed our Fair Go petition to Prime Minister Abbott calling on him to deliver the promises he made to Debbie Orr. Thank you! 

And we have exciting news for you. On Tuesday next week, we’re going to do a bit of CSG shirt-fronting and deliver the petition to Tony Abbott’s electoral office in Manly.

The petition will be handed over by Queensland farmer Shay Dougall, Tara mum of 11 Narelle Nothdurft, and Danielle Hodges from Camden in western Sydney, where gas wells operate within hundreds of metres of homes and schools.  We’ve also invited Federal Senators Glenn Lazarus and Larissa Waters to join affected communities in the hand-over.

If you’re in Sydney, why not come along and join us in a bit of CSG shirt-fronting?  We’ll be handing the petition over at Mr Abbott’s Manly electorate office, 17 Sydney Rd Manly.

And please share the petition with your friends and family over the next couple of days, so that we can let Mr Abbott know that we have not forgotten his promises.

Your support means so much to people in southern Queensland, western Sydney, Gloucester and across the country who are still being forced to live in industrial gasfields.

Please encourage your family and friends to sign, and look out for the CSG shirt-fronting story in the media, as the petition is delivered next Tuesday.

Thanks for everything you do,

George Woods
for Lock the Gate

Lock the Gate Alliance

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