Protecting the RET LABOR

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Protecting the RET


Bill Shorten & Mark Butler via 

6:39 PM (8 minutes ago)

to me
Neville –Labor is backing the Clean Energy Council to protect the future of Australia’s renewable energy industry.

We know that you, and a staggering 98 per cent of all Australians support solar, wind, hydro and other renewable energy generation.

It’s an economically and environmentally sensible approach to reducing pollution and creating the next generation of jobs in Australia.

Labor has always been guided by the science when it comes to tackling climate change.

The Clean Energy Council is the peak body representing the clean energy industry.

Labor established Australia’s Renewable Energy Target to drive investment in clean energy alternatives.

And we know it works because Labor’s target saw Australia become one of the four most attractive nations in the world in which to invest in renewable energy.

Under Labor  jobs in the renewable energy sector tripled, wind power tripled and households with solar grew from 7,000 in 2007 to 1.3 million in 2014.

After promising to keep Labor’s Renewable Energy Target, Tony Abbott launched a reckless attack on the industry that has devastated investment and threatened thousands of jobs.

As a result, investment in large-scale renewables in Australia fell last year by 88 per cent, while it increased globally by 16 per cent.

The renewable energy industry is on its knees.

Today Labor has once again joined with the renewable energy industry to protect our future.

Labor will support the Clean Energy Council’s position on the Renewable Energy Target of 33,500 GwH.

Labor will use this target as a floor and if elected, we will work with the sector to increase the Renewable Energy Target out to 2020 to bolster investment, specifically in large scale solar.

Over coming weeks we will be consulting with the experts and announcing our goals for this industry beyond 2020.

We know there will be a campaign of misinformation from some in the community about today’s decision, just as there was in 2009 when we came so close to delivering the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme but lost it all at the last hurdle because we allowed the perfect to be the enemy of the good. I hope you’ll correct that misinformation when you read it or hear it and make sure people know that our commitment to renewable energy is firm and unwavering and that this decision, while difficult, is about just that. Here’s a brief we thought you might find handy.

Renewable energy must continue to grow as part of Australia’s energy mix and we are genuine about the sector’s future – A vision of a smart modern 21st century Australia that has renewable energy as a big part of our energy future.

Bill Shorten and Mark Butler

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