PUPS Will retain RET Lazarus

3 November, 2014 General news0

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Press Release

Lazarus confirms Palmer United’s commitment to the RET

Palmer United Senator for Queensland and Leader of Palmer United in the Senate, Glenn Lazarus, today confirmed the Palmer United Party is committed to retaining the Renewable Energy Target (RET).

“The current mandatory renewable energy target is federal government policy designed to ensure that at least 20% of Australia’s electricity comes from renewable sources by the year 2020,” said Senator Lazarus today.

“In 2010, the policy was revised and refined to a target of 41 000 GWh in 2020 (through to 2030) for large scale renewable energy production.

“In response to existing policy, many businesses have invested in the renewable energy sector.

“This investment has and is continuing to deliver, business opportunities, jobs, advancements in innovation and technology in the renewable energy sector and importantly advancements for our environment.

“I am appalled that the Abbott Government would even consider reducing the RET.

“While the Abbott Government is considering a reduction in the RET, investment in the renewable energy sector is being damaged, confidence in the sector is diminishing and Australia’s reputation as a responsible global citizen is being harmed.

“Existing businesses that have invested in the sector are being damaged and jobs are at risk.

“The Abbott Government needs to understand that federal government policy needs to take into account the interests of the business sector as it is the business sector that employs the majority of Australians.

“Clearly, the majority of Australians want our country to move towards cleaner renewable energy.

“The Palmer United Party will block any attempt by the Abbott Government to reduce or abolish the RET.

“The Abbott Government needs to restore confidence in the renewable energy sector and stop putting the interests of his big coal mining mates ahead of everyday Australians and the environment.”


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