Reasons why Sea Levels are Rising ahead of Predictions

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As Sea Level Rises, State Must Take A Step Back
Hartford Courant
The fact is, sea levels in Long Island Sound have risen three times as fast over the past 100 years as the 1,000-year average. Every prediction of future rates of sea level rise made by scientists over the past few decades was an underestimate. Sea
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Geoscience Experts to Discuss the Impacts of Rapid SeaLevel Rise
In response to the devastation caused last week by Hurricane Sandy, organizers of the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting technical sessions on rapid sealevel rise and its impacts have created a break-out discussion panel consisting of
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Rising sea a threat to riverside homes
Sydney Morning Herald
Even under a limited sea level rise of 0.4 metres, predicted by 2050, the area of riverside land submerged every year would increase by 450 per cent on current levels. Once the sea level rises to 0.9 metres, which is forecast by the end of the century,
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Sandy, rising seas fuel future climate concerns
Will the warnings about sealevel rise in the wake of Hurricane Sandy wash away like the concern seen after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005? Or has the tide finally risen too high to ignore? “Our climate is changing,” said New York
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Geologist Proposes New Theory Behind Global Sea Level Rise
The most recent IPCC report released in 2007 projected a global sea level rise between 0.2 and 0.5 meters by 2100, but current sea level measurements meet or exceed the high end of that range. This suggests a rise of one meter or more by the end of the
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Rising Sea Levels Are Serious
New York Times
Cynthia Rosenzweig is a senior research scientist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. William Solecki is director of the CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities at Hunter College. They are co-chairmen of the New York City Panel on Climate Change.
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Long-term sea level rise could threaten government agencies, cost Washington
(—A University of Maryland study projects that Washington, D.C., city and federal property could suffer billions of dollars in damage if sea level rise from global warming increases over the next century. Potential for significant damage will
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Reasons why Sea Levels are Rising ahead of Predictions (blog)
Global sealevel rise measurements are currently meeting or exceeding the high end of the 2007 IPCC projected rises and new research by a University of Colorado geologist has a likely explanation, according to a story by The Geological Society of America.
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Our Latest High-Water Mark
New York Times
Hurricane Sandy showed us how sealevel rise actually works. It comes up in spikes that top historic highs and then fall back to normal. The Marshall Islands experienced such a high in 2011 when La Niña swamped parts of the capital city of Majuro at
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Web 1 new result for SEA LEVEL RISE
Sea level rising faster than expected, warns expert – The Times of India
The sea level is rising faster than expected and may cross one metre mark by the end of this century — double that of the estimates made by the

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