Renew Economy Daily Update

27 November, 2014 General news0
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Daily update: Regulator slaps down networks on more attempted gold-plating


Renew Economy via 

3:09 PM (21 minutes ago)

to me
Regulator slaps down networks on more attempted gold-plating; AEMC paves way for changes in network pricing; Climate denying crusader behind Leyonhjelm RET campaign; Why Uralla wants to be first z-net town; Campaign launched for first community solar thermal+storage plant; What would success in Lima look like?; Why aren’t rural electric cooperatives champions of local clean power?; The micropower revolution is here; and Belectric unveils first battery storage facility.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
NSW networks want to charge 50% per cent more over the next 5 years than the regulator thinks is reasonable. The networks, it says, are still not taking into account lower peak demand, lower cost of capital, and potential efficiencies.
Solar households face changes to how their bills are packaged after AEMC delivers new rules to impose ‘cost reflective’ pricing on networks.
Senator leading charge to kill renewables is advised by former head of one of Australia’s most notorious climate science-denying, anti-wind NGOs.
NSW town of Uralla wants to be Australia’s first zero net energy town, powered by 100% renewables, to boost local investment, address climate change.
NGO campaigns climate-minded people to invest in development of Australia’s first citizen-funded community solar thermal + storage plant.
Here are five things that need to happen at the Lima negotiations for them to be considered a success.
Why are America’s rural electric cooperatives are tethered to dirty, old coal-fired power plants instead of local-wealth generating renewable power?
Micro-electricity producers are relatively small scale, inexpensive, and most importantly, produce little to no carbon emissions.
Belectric and Vattenfall cut the ribbon for a new battery storage facility at the Alt Daber solar power plant in Germany.

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