Rudd must stop punishment of solar pensioners

Energy Matters0

27 April 2010

Rudd must stop punishment of solar pensioners

Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown says he will move in the
Senate to stop pensioners and small investors being penalised for
selling solar power into the electricity grid.

In New South Wales, pensioner Don Campbell, who invested
$11,000 in solar panels has been told by the federal government his
pension will be docked if he sells electricity into the grid.

“Yet the Rudd government’s own proposal is to give $24
billion to big corporate polluters who take action to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions – it’s a double standard,” Senator Brown said.

Senator Brown said the government should encourage
everyone to invest in renewable energy and back state governments who
set up “feed-in” laws to buy such electricity.  Better still, he should
stop blocking the Greens’ proposal for national ‘feed-in’ laws as they
have in Germany.

Media contact: Erin Farley 0438 376 082

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